Segmentation in Life leads to a happy life

Ali Raza
3 min readMay 21, 2022


Lets consider life as a company consisting of different departments. Every department in a company or a firm needs your attention in order to run it smoothly.

Now being an owner of a company you’re responsible to take care of every department either its the finance, marketing, distribution or any other . You are required to manage them in a way that your company’s productivity increases than the usual and you earn more. Simultaneously, your life also consists of a few departments which are required to be taken care off so that you live a happy and satisfactory life.

What are those departments? Your financial career, your relationship with your wife or girlfriend, your relationship with your parents, siblings and friends, and most importantly your personal time which is known as “me time” in this modern era.

Everyone seeks for hacks in order to avoid restless 24 hours but in 21st century it has become nearly to impossible to make that happen. Why? Because all of the departments in your life which I listed above, are becoming hard enough to manage. The reason for this disturbing fact is that people in this era let every department of their lives influence the other. Lets clarify this whole thing with a simple example.

Imagine a person with a satisfactory financial career and having a beautiful bond with his wife or girlfriend. Sounds great, right? But what if, all of the sudden that person starts facing issues in his financial career due to any setback or lack of any skill set that is needed to earn a handsome amount of money, he’ll obviously get frustrated and depressed. Being unemployed or failing in a business will surely make him weak and overthink. And at that very moment he will simply let his frustrated behavior affect his relation with his life partner. And he’ll obviously go hard on his better half and make more trouble for himself. This will probably create communication gaps or it can go even worse. Though his relationship with his life partner has nothing to do with his financial career but still both of these departments would get influenced by each other’s negative aspects. And it is possible that he might end up losing both of them. After these major set backs, he would also ruin the other well functioning departments of his life (his relationship with his family and friends) due to his stress he got from the failure in his financial and love life. And at the end he’ll be alone and question his presence.

All I’m trying to convey is that the only key to a happy life is that never ever let any of your life’s department influence the other ones due to any unfortunate reason. You’re required to give equal time and attention to all of them. You’re not supposed to transfer one’s negativity to any other. Yes, you do get failed and its the part of the game but you’re also responsible to keep the other departments of life functioning well enough that you might not end up losing everything and die due to restlessness, stress or depression. Just keep your mind straight and don’t overthink. Stay motivated and have faith in yourself that you can bounce back from any sort of a bad situation in your life. And a person with a strong mindset is only capable of managing all of these segments in his life equally and don’t let any of it affect the other.

I really hope I was able to make it understandable. And if you agree or disagree with my way of seeing life, just share your feedback.



Ali Raza
Ali Raza

Written by Ali Raza

Copywriter — Turning Conversations into Conversions.

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