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Don’t Give up, No matter what you’re going through

Ali Raza


Life is full of unexpected events that can be in your favor or against your will. If it makes you experience the best moments then it certainly has the capability of making you go through some really hard times. And in those difficult moments you’ll feel weak mentally and physically. You won’t have a strong will to get out from the corner you were pushed in by circumstances and seek for the solutions.

In those sort of moments, one can easily decide to quit everything. He/she would be out of strategies to workout things. But believe me, these hard situations are the best teacher. They give you the opportunity to think wisely and rectify your mistakes.

All you need is to not to give up easily because “you didn’t come this far to only come this far”. There’s a lot more to come. There are many more milestones to achieve in order reach that final target you’ve had set before starting your journey.

Every profession consists of some sort of bad situations or hard moments in which you actually question yourself that, does it really worth investing your time and efforts. But it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to pull it off. You just need to have faith in your capabilities and work harder than before. And eventually after all those efforts and restless work, you’ll finally escape from those negative and demoralizing moments.

Remember just keep going up and never stop. You’ll get tones of reason for quitting the work you’re indulged in. You’ll start giving lame excuses. And it’s okay because it is understandable. In such tough circumstances, one can get demoralized. Even it is possible that he/she can make false assumptions about their choice of career and all. But as I said “False Assumptions”, it is just due to overthinking which is quite obvious.

If I talk about myself, then yes I’ve faced so many obstacles in my entrepreneurship. I’ve got demotivated due to lack of positive results such as generating lower revenue through my business than usual. It literally made me think that I chose the wrong product though I was fully confident about that item before getting into it’s market. The thing is, I just didn’t give up on that specific item and believed in it’s potential. I just worked restlessly to come up with good and affective strategies that could help me get out of that disturbing phase. And in the end I was actually able to get back on the track.

You see even if you’re pushed two steps back by the life, you’re not required to accept it and sit down there quietly. You need to retaliate and bounce back 4 steps ahead. Life will continue to challenge you everyday but it’s on you that how much mentally strong you are? How much capacity do you really have to take all that in and utilize it all as the source of motivation? God created human beings as the most powerful beings on the planet who possess tremendous amount of energy and capabilities to do the impossible things. So that should be your main source of motivation. You must have that power of taking actions or implementation. All you’re required to do is to believe in yourself and accept the challenges life gives you.

So just remember, don’t give up no matter how hard it gets. No matter what you’re going through. Just stay motivated and optimistic that this shall pass soon and a normal happy life is ahead of this. You’re more than capable you think you are. Stop making a fool of yourself and it’s time to bounce back and lead a great exemplary life.

Originally published at



Ali Raza
Ali Raza

Written by Ali Raza

Copywriter — Turning Conversations into Conversions.

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