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A Note To Myself

Ali Raza


Hey, it’s me. I know you’ve been going through a lot these days. I know you’ve become weak and have no motivation to escape the darkness you’re in right now.

It’s hurting that you’re not the same person anymore. You’ve forgotten who you are. You’re lost due to certain setbacks in your life and now you don’t see any sort of solution to this whole mess. Yes life has pushed you way back and the disturbing fact is, it will continue to do that without having mercy on you.

But I just wanted to let you know that you’re more than what you’ve achieved up till now. You’re way more capable than you think you are. You never came this far to just come this far. There’s a lot more to achieve. The journey you started isn’t completed yet.

You’ve spent enough days in sorrow, guilt and regret. And it’s totally understandable because whatever you’ve gone through was not easy enough to take in. But now it’s time. It’s time to rectify the whole scenario. It’s time that you take action and jump back on the right track before the life hits even harder than before. Now is the time you try to forget everything you’ve been through and believe in yourself.

I still remember the excitement of yours, when you just took the decision to start this journey without fearing the hurdles and hard times you’d face in the future. You literally didn’t even care about what people thought about you. You were so focused and determined to achieve your set goals that you spent restless hours while working. You sacrificed every moment of joy so that you could stay concentrated on your work. You compromised your sleep just for the sake of not wasting time.

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

What happened to you now? Where’s that determination? Where is that focused mindset of yours? Where’s that clear headed person who feared nothing? I’m aware by the fact that things got tougher and life has started testing your focus, but it doesn’t mean that you just sit back in a darkest corner and do nothing about this all. In fact it’s time that you make stronger come back and face everything like you’re were meant to surpass all these obstacles in your life.

Believe it or not, but life is the name of game which keeps you engaged in various tests. Sometimes you nail in those tests and sometimes you get failed. But you’re not supposed to give up and let it destroy all your dreams and goals you’ve had set before jumping into this wide ocean of success.

It’s hard to stand again. It’s gonna take a lot more from you to surpass all these present hurdles. But it’s not impossible. All you’re required to do is to have faith in your capabilities. There’s nothing that can defeat you or stop you from achieving your targets until and unless you’re focused enough.

You’ve come so far and I’m sure, deep down there you never had an idea that you could achieve this much. But as you’ve made that possible, use those successful moments as the source of motivation. If you’ve done it all before then you can do this all again. You’re well aware by the right path you were going on. It’s okay if you’ve lost the track due to a negative phase in your life but now you need to find that path and continue to going towards that set target.

Photo by Frederik Löwer on Unsplash

See, getting defeated is an essential part of the game as it makes you even stronger than before. It provides an opportunity to analyze your errors and rectify them as soon as possible. So stop feeling weak and broken. There’s a lot more to cover in this long journey of success. Leave that dark corner and come out of your comfort zone. Take an action now!

Regards, Your Inner Self.

Originally published at



Ali Raza
Ali Raza

Written by Ali Raza

Copywriter — Turning Conversations into Conversions.

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