Instead of introducing myself in cliché sentences, I’ll just come to the straight point. Here are the three main reasons why you should follow my content on Medium.
- I’m a young entrepreneur who works online and runs a small physical business which means that I’ll be able to share some effective ways of earning as a freelancer. And even if you’re interested in owning a physical business you can get some good tips to enter any sort of a market.
- In my entrepreneurial career, I’ve gone through some really hard times, and fortunately being an optimistic person I was able to recover from those disturbing phases of my life. So I think I’m pretty qualified to share those bad experiences and the ways I went with to get back on the right track.
- Moreover, I love motivating people around me. This is why I’ve published one or two articles to boost the energy of the reader and I’ll continue to post more motivational articles.
- Other than sharing my entrepreneurial experiences and motivating people, I’ll talk about life and relationships. As I’ve been through some ups and downs.
So I’m assuming that everyone over here is likely to love my content as it is going to be helpful for my readers and me too as sharing experiences is one of the best ways of learning new things.
And I’m open to criticism which allows you to share your feedback and suggestions on my articles. I would love your interaction on my posts.
Ali Raza.